is a photographer based in Berlin, Germany. His main focus is on industrial and corporate photography, landscape, reportage and portraits. Thorsten was born in Hamburg in 1970. In the mid-nineties he moved to Berlin to study photography. He still lives in Berlin with his family. After his studies and various assistantships, he participated in the World-Press-Masterclass in the year 2000. Since then he has worked for German and international companies, agencies and magazines.

Amatheon Agri, Audi, Autostadt Wolfsburg, Bayer/Schering, Bilfinger, BMW, Breuninger, Commerzbank, DB Schenker, Deutsche Bahn, dgk Architekten, ELA Container, Eon, Flughafen Zürich, Gasag, Gira, Hartmann Gruppe, HSH Nordbank, Kaba Group, KaDeWe Group, KfW Bankengruppe, Lufthansa, Mann+Hummel, Mazda, Mercedes, Novomind AG, Open Society Foundations, Premium Automotive Group, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Roland Berger, Siemens, Technotrans AG, T-Systems, Union Investment, Uniper, Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger, Vodafone, Volkswagen, ZF Friedrichshafen

Burda Yukom Corporate Publishing, Cyclos Design, Einhorn Solutions, Factor Design, FischerAppelt, Hoffmann und Campe Corporate Publishing, Hotz & Hotz, Interbrand, Kammann Rossi, KircherBurkhardt, Lesmo, Media Consulta Advertising, MetaDesign, Minigram, Monospace, Muehlhausmoers, Mutabor Design, Philipp und Keuntje, RingZwei, schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation, Signum Communication, Shipyard Nice Media, Springer Medizin/bsmo, TBWA/Rosefish, W.A.F Werbegesellschaft, WPR Communication

ADAC Reisemagazin, Beef!, Bilanz, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets, Budget Travel Magazine, Chrismon, Die Zeit, El Pais, Enorm, Financial Times, Fortune Magazine, Geo, Geo Saison, Greenpeace Magazin, Guardian Weekend Magazine, Impulse, MAN Magazin, Manager Magazin, Nature, Park Avenue, Rotary Magazin, Smithsonian Magazine, Spiegel, Stern, SZ Wissen Magazin, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Times Style Magazine, Time Magazine and many more

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